Celebrate Summer Joys: Sketchbooks! Week 4 of a Month of Gratitude Practice
It’s hard to believe this is the last week of my month of gratitude. August has flown by.
I think back to childhood Augusts with school looming and days of freedom dwindling. Back-to-school was both exciting and welcome but also tinged with sadness for the ending of summer. I always loved shopping for school supplies (and new outfits). I looked forward to seeing friends I only saw during the school year.
Even as an adult with no children I’m not immune to the energy of back-to-school.
The jolt of excitement at the possibility of learning new things. The joy of new notebooks and pens. Or new art supplies.
Sketchbooks are some of my favorite art supplies.
I turn to my sketchbooks when I’m working through an idea or need cheering up or just want to play. Sketchbooks are where I experiment with media I don’t use in my everyday art practice.
Being able to sit outside in my garden with a sketchbook is one of the joys of summer and something I don’t do often enough.
But I didn’t always love working in sketchbooks.
Even after I fully embraced the process of learning to paint, sketchbooks intimidated me.
Although I yearned to be able to create effortlessly in them, I had no idea what to do when faced with the blank page. I felt tremendous pressure that what appeared there needed to be perfect and beautiful.
Over 6 years ago Dana Barbieri invited me to collaborate with her. I said yes before knowing what she had in mind. When she suggested a collaborative sketchbook I was nervous, but I didn’t let fear stop me.
It was hard at first. Especially when I was filing up my half of my empty book. But it got easier. And when I received Dana’s book and began creating pages in response to hers, a whole world of ideas and possibilities opened up.
Week 8 of the 2x2 Sketchbook Project — Dana Barbieri’s art on the left, Anne Butera’s on the right
I tried media I’d never tried before. I became more playful. And best of all, I was filled with ideas.
Our 2x2 Sketchbook Project spanned almost a year and a half.
Week 38 of the 2x2 Sketchbook Project — Dana Barbieri’s art on the left, Anne Butera’s on the right
During that time I gained confidence. My perspective shifted. I began to fall in love with sketchbooks, working in my own as well as in our shared books.
Week 56 of the 2x2 Sketchbook Project — Dana Barbieri’s art on the left, Anne Butera’s on the right
Our project was even featured on the pages of UPPERCASE Magazine.
The 2x2 Sketchbook Project in UPPERCASE Magazine
I’m grateful to Dana and our 2x2 Sketchbook project for helping me overcome my fear of sketchbooks. I’m grateful to UPPERCASE Magazine for publishing our project. I’m grateful to sketchbooks for helping me discover joy and freedom in my art. I’m grateful to myself fo being brave enough to embark on a renewed creative journey 11 years ago.
It’s almost hard for me to remember a time when sketchbooks weren’t a part of my art practice. I’ve filled many books and have many more in process, coming to fully embrace them since my initial fears.
a second collaborate sketchbook — Dana Barbieri’s art on the left, Anne Butera’s on the right
I knew my feelings weren’t unusual and remembering my hesitancy and uncertainty when facing the blank page inspired me to teach a series of classes on Skillshare around working in sketchbooks.
Ever since I began teaching online five years ago I’ve dreamed of collaborating on a sketchbook-themed class with Dana. Her complete fearlessness and joy when working in sketchbooks are so inspiring.
from a second collaborative sketchbook — Dana Barbieri’s art on the left, Anne Butera’s on the right
It feels like a fitting ending for my month of gratitude practice to announce the new free class Dana and I are teaching. Another of my dreams coming to fruition.
Anne Butera
Dana Barbieri
Thank you to everyone who joined us in class! Although we’re no longer offering our collaborative classes, we appreciate the encouragement and support.
If you’re looking for other sketchbook classes you can join me on Skillshare. I’d love to see you in class!
In addition to being grateful to Dana and sketchbooks and my own journey, I’m grateful to you dear reader.
I’m grateful knowing you’re here, reading my words. I’m grateful knowing I inspire and encourage you. I’m grateful and humbled to be able to share my enthusiasm for art and creativity with you.
So, thank you, friends.
As August and the summer months draw to a close, I hope you’ll embrace the energy of the changing season. Embrace the excitement of back-to-school.