Focus on Gratitude in December: Thankful for Teachers and Students
I vividly remember the first time I tied my shoe. I think I was in kindergarten. My parents had shown me multiple times. We’d been practicing in school, too. But it was hard. I’d tried — unsuccessfully — again and again. Then, one day, sitting on the window seat on our back porch, I finally did it.
I finally did it!
We have so many firsts like that throughout our lives, when what we thought was impossible suddenly isn’t anymore.
For this week of my month of gratitude, I’m thankful for teachers (and students).
Teaching has been on my mind lately. A few weeks ago I wrote this post about why I love Skillshare. I’ve been planning what I want to teach next and the ways in which I want to continue to share encouragement here and elsewhere. Right now I’m also hosting a contest on Skillshare (learn all the details here — you could win a year’s membership).
And so I’ve been thinking about teachers, students and learning.
I feel such gratitude for my students.
I’m also grateful for all of the teachers I’ve had throughout my life.
We have many teachers throughout our lives. Not just formal teachers in classrooms, but also informally in various ways and different settings.
My babysitter who taught me how to blow a bubble with bubblegum.
The author of the crochet book that taught me how to read crochet patterns and all the names of the different stitches.
My library coworker who showed me how to cut beautiful paper snowflakes.
It’s obvious where I learned a love of plants
Our parents are our first teachers. Family, other adults in our lives, too. Our peers and friends. Siblings. Older kids in our neighborhood or school. This continues as we get older.
Sometimes we learn directly — someone shows us how to do something. Sometimes indirectly — by watching, observing.
Books have always been some of my favorite teachers, where I’d turn when I wanted to learn something new. Libraries have always been some of my favorite places, too. They hold information, knowledge, inspiration.
Today with the internet, blogs, YouTube and so many different learning platforms, we have even more possibilities to help us learn just about anything we might be dreaming of.
I don’t often stop and think about how amazing it is that I can learn about just about anything I’m curious about.
What a gift.
When I was first just dreaming about learning how to paint, I was inspired by other artists sharing their stories of learning to make art. I read books. I read blogs. I took a few online classes.
The most important lesson I learned was that what I was dreaming truly was possible.
I’m so grateful for that lesson.
I teach because I want to pay it forward.
I teach because I’m grateful for the teachers who taught me all the lessons I’ve learned along the way. I teach because I want to share the joy of creating. Because I know how powerful it can be to have someone encourage you to try something you never thought you could do.
So today I’m thanking teachers and encouraging you to think about all the different teachers you’ve had in your life.
Who has been most influential? Which distinct moments do you remember when the impossible became possible?